Prevalence and Factors associated with Peripheral Neuropathies among Patients with Diabetes attending Jinja Regional Referral Hospital: A Retrospective open cohort study.


  • Violet Alimwenda Health Tutors College Mulago, Makerere University.



Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, associated factors



To determine the prevalence and factors associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy among diabetic patients of Jinja Regional Referral Hospital


A retrospective open cohort study was conducted among 1000 diagnosed diabetic patients ofJRRH. Data on the socio-demographics, age, duration of symptoms, smoking, alcohol intake, HIV status, BMI, cholesterol levels, history of kidney disease, heart or brain problems, and footing problems were analyzed using multiple logistic regression. A p-value of ˂0.05 was considered significant.


The study revealed that the mean age of developing DPN was 51.1.674 (67.4%) of the patients obtained from the register were females and 324 (32.4%) were male.760 (76%) of the patients obtained from the register were of average BMI of 24 and 160 (16%) had a BMI of more than 25.540(54%) of the patients developed diabetic neuropathy while 460(46%) of the patients did not develop DNP. The factors associated with DPN were brain or heart problems X2=22.97, Eye problems X2=20.934, P=0.001, Kidney problems X2=22.97, P=0.001, High cholesterol X2=19.153, P=0.001, Alcohol intake X2= 35.224, P=0.001 and Adequate physical activity X2=1.349, P=0.001.


The Prevalence of DPN was high (54%) and occurs in 1 in every 6 DM patients in Jinja Regional Referral Hospital among patients with diabetes.

The factors associated with diabetic neuropathy among diabetic patients are; age, BMI, physical activities, sex, and underlying conditions like brain or heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, and high cholesterol levels.


Early diagnosis of DM with regular sugar monitoring would play a significant role in identifying these problems.

Author Biography

Violet Alimwenda, Health Tutors College Mulago, Makerere University.

is a Health Tutor




How to Cite

Alimwenda, V. . (2022). Prevalence and Factors associated with Peripheral Neuropathies among Patients with Diabetes attending Jinja Regional Referral Hospital: A Retrospective open cohort study. Student’s Journal of Health Research Africa, 3(12), 14.



Section of Non-communicable Diseases Research