
  • Brother Nicholus Nuwagira St. Mugagga Boys Home.



Sports, Mental Health, Hygiene, Well-being

Author Biography

Brother Nicholus Nuwagira , St. Mugagga Boys Home.

Title: Reverend Brother (Rev Bro)

Name: Nicholus Nuwagira

Gender: Male

Nationality: Ugandan

Date of Birth: 12/07/1991

Marital Status: Single

Contact Information: Phone: 0788771908 / 0706219395

Email: /


Brother Nicholus Nuwagira is a male Religious Brother from the Religious Order of the Bannakaroli Brothers, also known as the Brothers of St. Charles Lwanga. He hails from Nyabicerere village, Central Division, Bushenyi Ishaka Municipality, Uganda. He was born on the 12th of July, 1991, and is one of five siblings.

Education and Religious Formation:

Brother Nicholus began his education at Bushenyi Primary School and later attended Rwakatende SSS Kachuchu for his secondary education. He completed his S.6 in 2012. In 2014, he joined St. Noa Naama Postulate for religious formation and advanced to St. Theresa’s Novitiate Kiteredde in 2015. He made his vows as a religious brother on the 5th of January 2017.

Academic Achievements:

In pursuit of his educational goals, Brother Nicholus attended the University of Kisubi, where he graduated with a Diploma in Social Work and Social Administration in 2019. Additionally, he completed short courses in child protection, life skills, and project planning and management at Makerere University, the University of Kisubi, and Uganda Management Institute, respectively. Currently, he is a third-year student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Child Development and Protection at the University of Kisubi.

Passions and Interests:

Brother Nicholus is not only dedicated to his religious vocation and academic pursuits but also maintains a passion for sports. Basketball and Rugby are his preferred sports, and he serves as the General Secretary of Pacers Sports Initiative, a sports club promoting rugby for both males and females. Engaging in sports regularly allows him to maintain good mental health.

Professional Work:

Currently, Brother Nicholus serves as a social worker at St. Mugagga Boys Home, an orphanage located in Jinja city, where they provide care and support for abandoned and neglected boys. Additionally, he holds the position of committee chairperson for Child Protection within the Bannakaroli Brothers.




How to Cite

Nuwagira , N. . (2023). SPORTS FOR MENTAL HEALTH, HYGIENE AND WELL-BEING. Student’s Journal of Health Research Africa, 4(8), 16.