Editorial Team
Section Peer-reviewers.
Section of Immunology and Molecular biology Research
Dr. Gyaviira Nkurunungi (Ph.D.)
- Research Scientist, Medical Research Council/Uganda Virus Research Institute and London school of hygiene and tropical medicine.
- Email: gyaviira.nkurunungi@lshtm.ac.uk
Dr. Prossy Wamanga (Ph.D.)
- Scientific officer, Uganda Virus Research Institute- EPI Laboratory
- Email: pnamuwulya@uvri.go.ug
Section of Internal Medicine Research
Dr Sanjay Kumar (MD, DM)
- Associate Professor and Head of Department, Department of Neurology, PMCH, Patna.
- Email: dr.sanjaykumarpin@gmail.com
Dr. Davis Kibirige (MD, Ph.D.)
- Specialist physician, Uganda Martyrs Hospital Lubaga.
- Research Scientist, MRC/UVRI, and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.
- Email: Davis.Kibirige@mrcuganda.org
Section of Mental Health and Psychiatry Research.
Dr. Kiyingi Frank Pio (Ph.D.)
- Senior Lecturer, Counselling Psychologist.
- Academic Registrar, Nkumba University.
- Email: frank.kiyingi@sjhresearchafrica.org
Dr. Allan Kalungi (Ph.D.)
- Department of Psychiatry, Makerere University
- Email: allan.karungi@sjhresearchafrica.org
Mr. Jolly Magulu (MSc)
- Lecturer - School of Psychiatric Clinical Officers and part-time lecturer at Mildmay Institute of Health Sciences.
- Child and adolescent Mental health Clinician and Co-PI Service quality study at Butabika National Referral Hospital.
- Study Manager at GRF project Makerere University Department of Psychiatry.
- Researcher Assistant NRF project Makerere University Department of Psychiatry.
Ms. Otwine Anne Tweheyo
- Dean Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Bishop Stuart University.
- Email: aotweheyo@nbs.bsu.ac.ug
Sr. Dr. Nnantamu Jane Frances (Ph.D.)
- Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology, University of Kisubi
- Email: jnnantamu@unik.ac.ug
Dr. Ronald Bahati (Ph.D.)
- Lecturer, Bishop Stuart University
- Email: rbahati@bsu.ac.ug
Section of Anesthesia and Surgery Research
- Assistant Professor in Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgical Oncology at RIMS, India.
- Email: Rohit.Kumar@sjpublisher.org or rohitjhaonco@gmail.com
Section of Histochemistry and Cell Biology Research:
Mr. William Muyombya (Msc)
- Lecturer, School of Bio-Security, Biotechnical and Laboratory Sciences - Makerere University.
- Email: william.muyombya@sjhresearchafrica.org
Section of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Research
Professor Rose Clarke Nanyonga (Ph.D.)
- Vice Chancellor- Clarke International University (CIU)
- Institutional Coordinator and Faculty Mentor for the Makerere University, Clarke International University, Busitema University, and Kabaale University NIH HEPI grant
- Email: nanyongaclarke@ciu.ac.ug
Dr. Naween Kumar (MD Medicine)
- Global Healthcare & Diabetes Research Centre
- Email: naween.arya@gmail.com
Dr Prashant Kumar
- Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology, RIMS,Ranchi
- Email: Prashant.Kumar@sjpublisher.org or pkumar_rims@yahoo.com
Dr. Anand Shankar M B B S; M.D.(General Medicine); FRSSDI
- Shankar Diabetes Care Centre, Rajendra Nagar Road No 1, Near Electricity Office, Patna-16, (BIHAR) INDIA.
- Email: dranandshankar@gmail.com
- CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN, Shree Hospital & Maternity Chakbasu Lane, Opp. Chapman Girls School
- P.O-Ramna, Muzaffarpur Bihar-842002
- Email: amitdrakd76@gmail.com
Dr. Kamran Khan (MD. M.SC in Diabetes Warwick University)
- Islam Nagar, Bhikanpur, Bhagalpur-812002, Bihar, India.
- Email: khandrkamran70@gmail.com
- Associate Professor, Department-Patna Medical College Hospital(Pmch), Patna
- Email: dr.bkchoudhary30gmail.com
Dr. (Prof.) Hemant Kumar (MD, DM (Nephrology), FISN
- Senior Consultant Nephrologist
- Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna.
- Email: drhkumar,nephro@gmail.com
Dr Subhash Kumar (MD)
- Diabetologist, Diabetes & Obesity Care Center, Patna, Bihar, India.
Dr. Subhadra Choubey
MBBS MD Radiation Oncology
Senior Resident Department of Radiation oncology SCI, IGIMS Patna
Section of General Medicine Research
Dr. Sudhir Chandra Jha, M.B.B.S.(Calcutta)M.D.(Med.)(Patna),D.N.B.(Med.)
- Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Darbhanga Medical College, Bihar.
- Email: sudhirchjha@gmail.com
Dr. Anuj Maheshwari, (MD, FICP, FIACM, FIMSA, FRSSDI, FACP, FACE, FRCP (London,
- Professor in (Department of General Medicine) Hind Institute of Medical Sciences,
- Safedabad, Barabanki Road, Near Canal, Lucknow Metro, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 225003.
- Email: dranuj.maheshwari@rediffmail.com
Section of Community and Public Health Research
- A senior Scientist, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)
- Email: christopher.ddamulira@sjhresearchafrica.org
Dr. Daniel Bwogere (MD, Ph.D.)
- Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Kisubi.
- Email: daniel.bwogere@sjhresearchafrica.org
Dr. Christopher Waako (MD. MSc)
- General Practitioner at Mulago National Referral Hospital.
- Senior Lecturer- Clarke International University
- Email: cwaako@ciu.ac.ug
Ms. Jane Kasozi Namagga ( MNSc, BNS, RN)
- Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine- Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
- Email: jkasozi@must.ac.ug
Mr. Ndhego Ramadhan (Msc)
- Principal, Department of Laboratory Sciences - St. Elizabeth’s Institute of Health Professionals.
- Email: ramadhan.ndhego@sjhresearchafrica.org
Mr. Arthur Namara (MSc)
- Research Scientist, MRC/UVRI, and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.
- Email: Arthur.Namara@mrcuganda.org
- Lecturer at the Institute of Public Health and Management-Clarke International University
- Email: jkyeyune@ciu.ac.ug
Ms. Atukunda Patience Jaffu (MSc)
- Head of Department of Informatics and Statistics at Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute(ECUREI)
- Part-time lecturer at the Institute of Public Health and Management, Clarke International University.
Dr. Twalib J. Nzanzu (Ph.D)
- Assistant Director Graduate School and Research, Kampala University
- Email: twalibun@gmail.com
Mr. Brian Bukenya (MPEC) - The University of Manchester, UK
- Lecturer, Team University
- Email: brianbukenya.m@gmail.com
Ms. Regina Ndagire (MSc)
- Research Officer- Clarke International University
- A Research Fellow with Africa Center for Systematic Reviews and Knowledge Translation, Makerere University.
- Email: rndagire@ciu.ac.ug
Mr. Akugizibwe Pardon (BSc.Educ, MPH, PGD HPE, MA. Educ Mgt)
- Lecturer of Public Health-Clarke International University.
- Email: pakugizibwe@ciu.ac.ug
Dr. Dathan Mirembe Byonanebye (MD, Msc)
- Lecturer, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University
- Email: dbyonanebye@musph.ac.ug
Section of Health Systems Research
- Mr. David Livingstone Ejalu (MSc)
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Uganda Martyrs University
- Email: davidejalu@gmail.com
Section of Microbiology
Mr. Musisi Lubowa Nathan (Msc)
- Head of Microbiology Laboratory.
- Lecturer, Department of Biomolecular Resources & Biolab Sciences - Makerere University.
- Email: nathan.musisi@sjhresearchafrica.org
Mr. Webbo Fred (MSc)
- Lecturer at the Institute of Allied Health Science- Clarke International University
- Email: fwebbo@ciu.ac.ug
Mr. Ibra Ntulume (MSc)
- Lecturer, Department of Microbiology -Kampala International University.
- Email: ibra.ntulume@sjhresearchafrica.org
Section of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Ben Jackson Ayiko (MD, MSc)
- Gynecologist & Obstetrician, Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital.
- Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine- Islamic University in Uganda.
- Email: ben.ayiko@sjhresearchafrica.org
Prof. (Dr.) Seeba Hussain
- Professor & Head, Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy -cum- Medical Superintendent, Consultant in Obst & Gynae.
- Katihar Medical College Campus Katihar-854106
- Email: hussainseeba8@gmail.com
Section of Biochemistry
Dr. Saphan Muzoora (Msc)
- Head Biochemistry Department.
- Lecturer, School of Bio-Security, Biotechnical and Laboratory Sciences – Makerere University
- Email: muzoorasaph@covab.mak.ac.ug
Mr. Timothy Omara (MSc)
- Researcher- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Sciences and Aerospace Studies, Moi University.
- Email: timothy.omara@sjhresearchafrica.org
Dr. Catherine N. Lwanira (Ph.D.)
- Dean Post Graduate Studies and Research, Clarke International University.
- Email: clwanira@ciu.ac.ug
Section of Pediatrics and Child Health
Ms. Florence Wamuyu Githinji (MSc)
- Quality Assurance Officer of Clarke International University.
- Part-time lecturer at the Allied Institute of Health Sciences- Clarke International University
Dr. Monica Etima (MD,Msc)
- Pediatrician, Makerere University water reed project (Muwrp)
- Email: monica.etima@sjhresearchafrica.org
Section of Genetics, and Biotechnology
Dr. Florence Nassimbwa (Ph.D.).
- Lecturer, Uganda Martyrs University.
- Email: florence.nassimbwa@sjhresearchafrica.org
Section of Histopathology
Dr. Nabusige Jean Brenda Gesa
- Senior Lecturer.
- Head of Pathology Department, School of Health Sciences- Soroti University.
- Email: jean.nabusige@sjhresearchafrica.org
Section of Agriculture, Human Nutrition and Home Economics
Mr. Andrew Seruma Kizito (Ph.D. Fellow)
- Egerton University
- Email: Andrew.seruma@sjhresearchafrica.org
Section of Educational Studies Research
Dr. Joyce Bukirwa (Ph.D.)
- Dean Faculty of Education, Muni University.
- Email: jr.bukirwa@muni.ac.ug
Ms. Wafula Elizabeth Merab (MSc)
- Lecturer School of Nursing & Midwifery- Clarke International University
- Nurse/Midwife- Mulago School of Nursing and Midwifery
- Email: ewafula@ciu.ac.ug
Fr. Dr. Aloysius Lwanga Bukenya (Ph.D.)
- Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Research
- Email: alwangabuk@unik.ac.ug
Section of Information Technology and Computer Science Research
Dr. Alone Kimwise (Ph.D.)
- Senior Lecturer and the Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology Cavendish University Uganda.
- Email: kalone@cavendish.ac.ug
Dr. Ssegawa E. James Kiggundu (Ph.D.)
- Head of Information Technology, Team University
- Email: ssegawaejames@gmail.com
Prabhakar Vagvala
- Associate Director Business Technology
- Email:
Satyanarayana Ballamudi
- Lennox International Inc, USA
- Email: ballamudi.satya@gmail.com
- Elemica Inc, Richardson, TX
- Email: veereshd.081990@gmail.com
Nagababu Kandula
- Sr Software Development Engineer
- CVS Caremark
- Email: nagababukandula81@gmail.com
Section of Hematology and Blood Transfusion Science Research
Dr. Shailendra Vashistha (MBBS, MD-IHBT, PGDM-H&FW)
- Department of Immuno-Haematology & Transfusion Medicine, GMC, Kota
- Email:drvashistha.ihtm@gmail.com or drvashistha@sjpublisher.org
Section of Endocrinology, and Reproductive Health
Dr. Shallon Atuhaire (Ph.D.)
- - ,
Ms. Miriam Achom Ondia (PGDM&E, MBA, B.ED, Public Health)
- Senior Lecturer- Clarke International University
- Email: mondia@ciu.ac.ug
Dr. Supriyo Mukherjee
- Director Centre for Clinical Research and Practice & THE RCDHO (Research Centre for diabetes, Hypertension and obesity)
- Email: Supriyo.Mukherjee@sjpublisher.org
Section of Anatomical Sciences
Tapiwa Chapupu
- University of Zimbabwe
- Email: drtapiwa98@gmail.com
Section of Radiology and Medical Imaging
Mr. Richard Malumba (Msc)
- Head of Research, Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute, (ECUREI)
- Email: richardmalumba2@gmail.com
Advisory Committee Members
Prof. Andrew P. Yiga.
- Former Academic Registrar- Nkumba University
Professor A. J. Lutalo-Bosa, BSc(Lond); MSc, Ph.D. (McGill)
- Vice-Chancellor, Team University
Professor Maud Kamatenesi Mugisha (Ph.D.)
- Vice-Chancellor, Bishop Stuart University
Professor Michael Kawooya (Ph.D.)
- Deputy Principal, Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute, (ECUREI)
Dr. Nixon Niyonzima (MD, Ph.D.)
- Email: Nixon.niyonzima@uci.or.ug
- Head of Research and Training Directorate, Uganda Cancer Institute.
Section of Endocrinology and Reproductive Health Research
- Dr. Emrana Rahman
- Director, Fertility Specialists, and Endoscopic Surgeon
- Email: emrana.bgp@gmail.com
Journal Editors:
Mr. David Serunjogi (BBLT, MPH)
- Email: David.Serunjogi@mrcuganda.org
- Journal Coordinator
- MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.
Dr. Daniel Opoka (MD)
- Email: Daniel.Opoka@mrcuganda.org
- Clinical Trial Medical Officer
- MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.
Mr. Ivan Mufumba (BBLT, MSc)
- Email: ivan.mufumba@sjhresearchafrica.org
- Clinical Epidemiologist
- Global health Uganda.
Dr. Isiko Rodgers (MD)
- Email: rodgers.isiko@sjhresearchafrica.org
- Research
- Masaka Regional Referral Hospital
Dr. Veronica Nyakato (MD, MSc)
- Email: veronica.nyakato@sjhresearchafrica.org
- Department of Pathology Mulago
- Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Mr. Ravi Srivastav
- Editor - Indian Author Coordinator
- Email: ravi2078roshan@gmail.com
Ethics review committee members
- Dr. Geofrey Kimbugwe (MD)
- Head Research Compliance and Quality Assurance- MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.
- Email: Geofrey.Kimbugwe@mrcuganda.org
Mr. Sulaiman Mahmood Kakooza (Ph.D. Fellow)
- Lecturer- Health Tutor's College, Makerere University.
- Email: sulaiman.kakooza@sjhresearchafrica.org
Ms. Josephine Namigadde (MSc)
- Editor- Journal Coordinator
- Email: josephine.namigadde@sjhresearchafrica.org