Knowledge Attitude and Practices towards prevention of Brucellosis among Cattle Keepers Aged (15-45) Years in Lyantonde General Hospital Lyantonde District. A Cross-sectional Study.


  • Julius Baruho Kampala School of Health Sciences, P.O.Box 14623, Kampala, Uganda.



Brucellosis, Cattle Keepers , Lyantonde , KAP



The purpose of the study is to determine knowledge attitudes and practices toward the prevention of brucellosis among cattle keepers aged (15-to 45) years in Lyantonde general hospital Lyantonde district


The study design was a convenience sampling technique in nature and the researcher employed a simply Convenience sampling technique to select 50 study participants. The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool on a sample size of 50 respondents; data were analyzed manually using a scientific calculator by tallying, counting, and presented in a computer program to generate tables, graphs, and pie-charts 


96% have ever heard about brucellosis, 56% have heard of brucellosis from health workers, 70% know how brucellosis is spread, 64% know that raw milk can cause brucellosis, 70% know how to prevent brucellosis, 64% are aware that undercooked meat can cause brucellosis, 64% also know that contact with animal products can cause brucellosis and 66% know that animal by-products are the major risk factors, 74% have a positive attitude, 60% have the perception that brucellosis is a health problem, 70% have a perception that medical intervention can stop brucellosis spread, 96% take raw milk, 68% have ever tested for brucellosis, 52% have ever got in contact with the aborted fetus, 86% got in contact with any other animal products and 60% seek medical treatment from health facilities. 


The majority of the respondents have good knowledge and a positive attitude towards the prevention of brucellosis and poor practice. 


The ministry of health (MOH) should put guidelines on the proper handling of animal products and provide massive sensitization on the control and prevention of brucellosis.  





How to Cite

Baruho, J. (2022). Knowledge Attitude and Practices towards prevention of Brucellosis among Cattle Keepers Aged (15-45) Years in Lyantonde General Hospital Lyantonde District. A Cross-sectional Study. Student’s Journal of Health Research Africa, 3(6), 16.



Section of Community and Public Health Research