use of ampicillin Sodium injection in the management of cervical dystocia and shortening of labor


  • Mercy Bantia Mildmay Institute of Health Sciences.



Cervical dystocia , Use of Ampicillin, Sodium Injection, Shortening of Labor, Management of Cervical Dystocia


The article examined the use of ampicillin sodium injection in the management of cervical dystocia and shortening of labor. It arose from a qualitative observation and experimental survey. Data was gathered from ten midwives working in labor suite and experimented on an infinite number of mothers in activ e labor. Data was analyzed in a descriptive manner. The data revealed that for mothers with low parity in active labor with cervical dystocia due to early “pushing”, one gram (1g) of injectable ampicillin given bolus commenced effacement and dilatation wit h shortened length of labor .In grand multiparous mothers in active labor, a maximum of two grams (2g) of ampicillin injection given bolus yielded even faster cervical dilatation resulting in shortened duration of labor. However, the study could not reveal the mechanism through which ampicillin sodium injection yielded the results hence need for more studies

Author Biography

Mercy Bantia , Mildmay Institute of Health Sciences.

Health Tutor (BMED), Midwife (RM)




How to Cite

Bantia , M. . (2023). use of ampicillin Sodium injection in the management of cervical dystocia and shortening of labor. Student’s Journal of Health Research Africa, 4(6), 4.



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