Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Hepatitis B Vaccination among Patients aged 16-40 years attending Buwasa Health Centre IV, Sironko District. A Cross-sectional Study.


  • Ezera Kikoso Kampala School of Health Sciences, P.O.Box 14623, Kampala, Uganda.
  • Vincent Charles Kalungi Kampala School of Health Sciences, P.O Box 14263, Kampala- Uganda.



Hepatitis B, Vaccination, Sironko District



The purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practices towards hepatitis B vaccination among patients aged 16- 40 years attending Buwasa health center IV Sironko District.


The study involved a descriptive cross-sectional study design to address the specific objectives of the study, on a sample of sixty (60) respondents using a simple random technique as the sampling technique. A semi-structured questionnaire was designed and used as a data collection tool.


Regarding the practices, the majority (90%) of the respondents reported that they had ever been screened against hepatitis B infection, the majority (87%) of those who reported having been screened negative were initiated on vaccination, and more than half (59%) of them had completed the three doses, among the unvaccinated, the most (47%) frequently mentioned reason for non-vaccination was fear of side effects, more than half (55%) had ever been sensitized about the importance of hepatitis B vaccination.


 the knowledge of hepatitis B vaccination was poor since most of the respondents did not know the complete hepatitis B vaccination schedule, and the intervals between the doses; with a relatively good attitude and fair practices towards hepatitis B vaccination, and this consequently called for the need to raise patient’s awareness about hepatitis B vaccination to improve on the knowledge, attitude, and practices towards hepatitis B vaccination. 


The researcher finally recommended that the government of Uganda through the ministry of health should supply adequate vaccine stock to the facility to ensure consistent availability of the vaccine.





How to Cite

Kikoso, E., & Kalungi, V. C. . (2022). Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Hepatitis B Vaccination among Patients aged 16-40 years attending Buwasa Health Centre IV, Sironko District. A Cross-sectional Study. Student’s Journal of Health Research Africa, 3(6), 12.



Section of Immunization and Vaccines Research